Can You Use Yumi Again After the First Time

The romantic relationship betwixt Shukichi Haneda and Yumi Miyamoto.


  • 1 Relationship Analysis
  • 2 Shukichi and Yumi moments
    • two.1 Manga/Anime
      • ii.1.ane Volume 49: File 505-507/Episode 427-428: Super Hugger-mugger of the Road to School
      • ii.1.2 Volume 80: File 847-849/Episode 731-732: The Ex-Boyfriend Living Next to a Criminal offense Scene
      • Volume 85: File 899-902/Episode 785-786: Taiko Meijin'southward Match of Beloved
      • 2.1.4 Volume 88: Files 928-930/Episode 828: Ramen Then Good, It's to Dice For 2
      • 2.i.5 Volume 89: File 945-947/Episode 849-850: The Wedlock Registration's Password
      • 2.1.6 Volume 96: File 1015-1017/Episode 972-974: The Target is the Metropolitan Police Traffic Department
      • 2.ane.7 Volume 98: File 1043-1046/Episode 1033-1035: Taiko Meijin's Shogi Board
    • 2.two Movies
      • 2.two.1 Motion picture 24: The Scarlet Bullet
    • 2.iii Openings
      • two.iii.1 Opening 52: Only BELIEVE You
  • three Gallery
  • 4 Trivia
  • v See besides

Human relationship Analysis [edit]

Yumi and Shukichi kissed just earlier a shogi match

Shukichi and Yumi met for the first fourth dimension while she was all the same in higher, on a train where he overslept and rested his head on Yumi'south shoulder, waiting for the terminate. But Yumi waited and missed her stop just to wake Shukichi upward for his own as shown in chapter 900. After this run into, they met once again and began dating ever since. But in the stop they broke upwardly because he was immature and gave her a letter of the alphabet containing a marriage registration, telling Yumi not to open up information technology until he won all seven shogi titles. Stressed because she couldn't open up the letter until he won them, Yumi decided to break up with him.

After some time, they met again in Chateau Beika Condo, where Shukichi currently lives. Their human relationship began to improve when Shukichi rescued Yumi from a kidnapper thanks to the Detective Boys's help, and when Yumi kissed Shukichi as a skilful luck charm for the "Meijin" match. But Yumi was unaware of Shukichi being a famous shogi player for a long time until she saw Shukichi on telly and figured it out. Later realizing that meijins can make 100,000,000 yen in salary, she desperately tries to reclaim an envelope he left for her. Eventually, Yumi manages to detect the envelope, however, Shukichi lost the Osho friction match, making the envelope that contains the union registration nullified. Yumi rips the letter of the alphabet, but encourages Shukichi to keep following his original plan and to never lose to anyone, calling him "Baldheaded headed Rat", making the latter blush.

Shukichi and Yumi moments [edit]

Manga/Anime [edit]

Volume 49: File 505-507/Episode 427-428: Super Secret of the Road to Schoolhouse [edit]

Yumi briefly mentions to the detective boys during the case about her college ex boyfriend in the anime " To tell you lot the truth it's next to my ex swain firm I dumped him in a bad manner so, I don't want him to recognize me" The Detective Boys asked if he was a bad person and she replies " No he was very handsome but he was way likewise childish".

Book 80: File 847-849/Episode 731-732: The Ex-Boyfriend Living Adjacent to a Criminal offense Scene [edit]

While patrolling with Yumi, Naeko received a call from her friend Sakurako telling a dead body plant in a house she's working at. They rushed to the scene to observe out that the neighbor next door is Shukichi, Yumi's ex-fellow. He is considered one of the suspects considering he knows the code to the mail box where a spare keys is kept. Shukichi overjoyed at seeing Yumi again, while Yumi is feeling awkward and keeps insisting on calling him ex-boyfriend.

Volume 85: File 899-902/Episode 785-786: Taiko Meijin's Friction match of Dearest [edit]

Yumi is kidnapped when Shukichi heads his way to his shogi lucifer for the title of Meijin at Tokiwa Hot Springs. Shukichi left in the middle of his match and took a automobile ride to Tokyo in order to salvage Yumi. After rescuing Yumi, Shukichi heads dorsum to stop the match, just suddenly he noticed that Yumi'due south photograph which he carries everywhere as his "good luck amuse" is missing. Yumi gives Shukichi a buss every bit the good luck charm, and says "it's more than effective than a photo". He returns to Yamanashi in time to win his seventh shogi title.

Volume 88: Files 928-930/Episode 828: Ramen So Good, It'southward to Die For 2 [edit]

A hostess was murdered in forepart of her house past an unknown assailant. The crime was discovered by Yumi and Naeko who saw the suspect spinning a hose ritualistically. Unfortunately, Shukichi had also been at the restaurant and left but earlier the three suspects arrived. Yumi confesses that she ran into him that night but didn't mention it considering she didn't want him involved.

Book 89: File 945-947/Episode 849-850: The Wedlock Registration's Password [edit]

Yumi was unaware of Shukichi beingness a famous shogi actor for a long fourth dimension. She then saw Shukichi on television and figured it out. After realizing that meijins can make 100,000,000 yen in salary, she desperately tries to repossess an envelope he left for her, which her ornery building manager had seized. In club to get the envelope, Yumi had to uncover the 8 digit password the manager set for her. Eventually, Yumi manages to detect the envelope, however, Shukichi lost the Osho match, making the envelope that contains the marriage registration nullified. Yumi rips the letter, but encourages Shukichi to keep following his original plan and to never lose to anyone, calling him "Baldheaded headed Rat", making the latter chroma.

Volume 96: File 1015-1017/Episode 972-974: The Target is the Metropolitan Constabulary Traffic Department [edit]

While searching for clues in a photo to help help the investigation, Yumi gets a call from an unknown number which turns out to be Shukichi. He had been frantically and repeatedly calling every 10 minutes to express his business for her safety due to the killer seemingly only targeting policewomen to the point Yumi blocked his number. She questioned whose telephone he was using, to which Shukichi admits it belongs to his senior and he is at the shogi hall for an interview, showing he is more open up virtually discussing his shogi career with her. Yumi urges him to become home quickly, and he tells her to do the same, while in the procedure revealing she'd spent the nighttime at his place that night, hinting that their human relationship may be on a sexual level. Afterward on, Shukichi sends a text bulletin to his older brother, Akai, begging him to protect Yumi.

Book 98: File 1043-1046/Episode 1033-1035: Taiko Meijin'south Shogi Board [edit]

Yumi suspecting Shukichi of having an affair, she decided to tail him. Somewhen, it is revealed that Shukichi was holding a Shogi exercise session with younger Shogi players. As well, Shukichi wants to introduce Yumi to his mother, Mary, simply is unable to contact her. Yumi also mentions that she and Shukichi have been living together.

Movies [edit]

Movie 24: The Ruby-red Bullet [edit]

Openings [edit]

Opening 52: JUST BELIEVE YOU [edit]

Gallery [edit]

Trivia [edit]

  • They are one of the few non-childhood couples along with Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi, having met when Yumi was still in college.
  • In the Dear PLUS Super Assimilate Book it was revealed that Shukichi was the first to confess his feelings to Yumi.

See too [edit]

  • Shukichi Haneda
  • Yumi Miyamoto
  • Ninzaburo Shiratori and Sumiko Kobayashi
  • Wataru Takagi and Miwako Sato
  • Kazunobu Chiba and Naeko Miike


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