Steve Martin and Martin Short an Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life Reviews

Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life (2018) Poster

9 /10

Steve and Martin strut their stuff in Southward Carolina

Steve Martin and Martin Brusque accept been two of the most notable comedians of the by few decades, so it only makes sense that they would perform together. "Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Residue of Your Life" features their concert in Greenville, South Carolina. I fine performance. My favorite parts were the photos from their younger days, Martin playing the banjo, and Short in the costume (whether you lot utilise their first names or final names, information technology still sounds like one of their names).

I liked the picture show, and I hope that these guys continue performing for as long as they can.

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8 /10

It truly warmed my heart to see these two perform together

Such a lovable and joyous set. There is an affluence of hilarious skits and jokes (absolutely Martin Short kinda steals the show), but unfortunately at that place are enough of jokes that miss the marking as well. All in all information technology'southward non the funniest one-act set I've seen, just information technology'south probably the most wholesome (it sorta reminded me of Jerry Before Seinfeld in this regard). It's not for everybody, simply if you think the championship is funny, then I'd say yous'll probably relish the show.

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vii /10

Steve Martin & Martin Short nevertheless number one

35 years on stage. I am forty years old. These guys are my whole life. forget the 2000 births learned on the one-act disney channel. this testify is gorgeous. Information technology's like it'due south been around for 35 years.

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9 /10

Bad Reviewers Are Ridiculous

This special was groovy! It was exactly what I'd hoped for and more. The fact that Martin and Short were at the elevation of their careers in the 1970s and '80s doesn't mean that they've suddenly become unfunny. My only critique is that information technology wasn't a bit longer.

Every bad review here is ridiculous. People upset over jokes are people that should skip comedy shows. Others who thought this was somehow self-congratulatory of the team is taking everything literally. What yous saw is called satire; look into it. And finally my very favorite reviewer who felt "insulted" considering at that place may have been jokes or lines that weren't politically correct. So, to take fourth dimension out of his precious petty free time, (await, I'm weeping!) to write a review because he was just so angry, equally if Martin and Short had personally insulted him.

Again, the special is great! And boy, do I miss the IMDb message boards sometimes....

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viii /10


Fantastic show. 2 great comedians who met on the fix of one of the all time classic comedies - The Three Amigos. It'due south great how they bounciness off each other. Definitely one to sentry

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ix /x

Not bad classic comedy!

Ignore the haters! People today don't empathise tasteful, articulate, and archetype humor. Martin and Brusque are hilarious, delivering their lines with ease and yet with a dab of spontaneity. Their comedy isn't too off colour but has a bit of an border surrounded with a family vibe. The music was bully too! Watch and appreciate these legends.

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10 /ten

Loved information technology! It'southward Definately comedy for Gen-Ten

If y'all're a millennial, it probably won't make much sense, but for those of the states who call back SNL in the original, unedited celebrity days? All those jokes that brand yous go "Wow" and "OMG" I remember all those films... Yeah. Cheers guys. Going to re sentinel all those films.

~When is Steve Martin making another 'Jerk' Movie? LOL

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half dozen /10

At their age they can still make comedy funny

3/27/18. These ii elder comedians of yore (yes, they are that old) are even so pretty funny in this 2-men prove. One-act usually doesn't historic period well but Martin and Short can all the same arrive work. Catch for a stroll down memory lane.

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8 /x

Two Live Crew

I wasn't sure what to expect, and apace realized how baseless was my hesitation. These are two veteran titans of stage entertainment, who showed how it's actually done. That is, not to knock other comedians, but these guys effortlessly generated laughs without rrsorting to cussing, pornographic or otherwise highly lewd commentary. It was very refreshing in that sense, and yet nonetheless had edge and challenge. IMO they actually lived up to their legendary status.

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nine /10


What a great prove. Very Entertaining and merely actually FUNNY ! They piece of work like 2 peas in a pod and fabled Music thru out

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9 /10

Excellent. But lost ane star.

I very much enjoyed the talented comedic timing of these two legends. Everything from concept to execution was spot on. It was so refreshing to run across a modern update to the fun roast sessions of comedy'due south past.

The merely reason I took off a star was considering Steve Martin seems a little tired peculiarly next to Martin Brusque's energy. And that's a shame.

And Martin Curt's step brother to Jesus bit was entertaining for certain but I personally wasn't a fan of the subject materially. But it'southward all good.

Overall, I laughed my head off.

Best line came from Martin Brusque when he says "Kim's so dumb she thinks soy milk is Castilian for 'I am milk."

Hahahaha. That 1 got me good.

Well done, y'all two.

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7 /10

Enjoyable. Y'all'd take fun watching information technology with your granddaddy

Alarm: Spoilers

This special was interesting and insightful.. information technology was fun hearing the stories these two had to share virtually their lives equally stars and Steve Martins' banjo performance was killer.. I seriously loved the original piece that was equanimous. Martin brusk also had a pair of Sinatra Esq pipes on him I didn't realize he had. Information technology'south non express mirth out loud humor ALL the way through, BUT it is really entertaining and I wish my grandpa was still alive considering I know he would have absolutely loved watching this special with me.

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ten /10

How I miss this kind of one-act!

I can get on and on most how much I enjoyed this bear witness but I will say this.... This is how comedy is washed. Two classics doing what they practice best!!!!

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half dozen /10

¡The Two Amigos!

The concept is heartening, if not the execution. My wife went to run into this evidence terminal year and said information technology was much funnier in person (likewise adding that it's been truncated for Netflix consumption). Martin and Short are two reliable names in comedy, and getting to run into these two on stage is highly-seasoned, let me tell you. Not all of the jokes were gilded, and simply a couple of them really close the bargain.

But as much as Steve Martin owns the stage with his banjo (and a summit-shelf bankroll from the Steep Canyon Rangers), Martin Brusque's mildly deranged sense of humor provides the memorable gags.

In the cease, an enjoyable evening.

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nine /ten

Merely what yous'd promise for

A fun night of comedy with some swell zingers and real chemistry between the ii. Nada really overtly political or topical, just archetype era bits and a celebration of two of the best of all time.

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three /10

The Worst Kind Of Self-Congratulatory, Gated-Community Hollywood Comedy

I don't think I'yard exaggerating excessively when I say that the last time Steve Martin was really, TRULY funny was probably in the movie Muddy Rotten Scoundrels - thirty years ago at present - and that I honestly had no idea that Martin Brusk was yet alive.

To be fair, they play with this unfortunate situation in the testify, merely everything they do and say - right down to the 'seated conversation' role of the act - is so lifeless and scripted and overrehearsed the whole thing felt like an Oscars Ceremony number spun out to over an hour, or corny patter from a Bob Hope and Dean Martin telethon from the sixties. I honestly never even smiled once.

Steve Martin seems similar a really nice guy, and I'd love to run across him brand a comedy as dandy as The Jerk, The Man With 2 Brains or the Three Amigos again. But he doesn't Take to, he's certainly washed enough, and I similar it that he's out there picking his banjo and playing music instead. He'south earned his comfy retirement and his hobbies.

But I tin't say this is any adept when information technology isn't. And in truth, I really don't know who this is even meant for, except for maybe the guys playing golf game at the country club.

There'southward nothing glaringly, astoundingly Incorrect with this special, there's just null at all appealing or interesting either. And yous really will forget it e'er existed just as before long as you lot cease watching it.

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8 /x

Martin/Brusk are funny every bit always.. Bad reviewers are idiots!

I grew up watching these ii in the movies and on TV and to see them once more on stage it made my twenty-four hour period!! Very funny stuff!! If your a fan similar me you will definitely enjoy this!!! I have NO idea why some people rate this bad but Fake news is everywhere these days!

U follow?


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5 /10

Whats with the high rating?

Then this was supposed to be funny? Smart? Intelligent? Relevant? Actually none of the above. I gave information technology v/10 because I don't like to be harsh, simply really this was bad.

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10 /10

The best standup one-act testify I have ever seen.

The best standup comedy show I have ever seen. Steve Martin and Martin Brusque are 2 of the all-time comedy ever, they are both hilarious. They are amazing apart but they are perfect together. I loved this and then much. I loved watching this as much every bit Steve Martin loves the banjo and as much as Martin Short loves to pose on a piano. Likewise Lorne Michaels executive produced, which is kind of cool. I was surprised to see his named attached considering he mainly produces SNL.

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8 /10

But a Couple of Dull Moments

It was not bad watching these guys. They are two people who tin brand one express joy without saying a give-and-take. They start by trading insults in the kindest mode and so get a take a chance to exhibit their individual talents. I wish short would have done more singing because his parodies of gimmicky songs are quite wonderful. There were a couple of down moments but the expert stuff totally cancelled these out.

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Polished erstwhile-school entertainment

I have watched quite a few Netflix comedy specials featuring comedians doing very hard material, or doing very crude and modern stuff, then the offer of two Hollywood comedians striking the screen did appeal to me. This delivered just what I had hoped, which is to say that it was polished, well-rehearsed, just very well-delivered. The setup is simple, which is that that Martin and Brusk open together, have some fourth dimension on-stage alone, but generally are together as a duo. They zing off each other in the manner old pros practise, and the one-liners are mostly potent.

In that location are a few comments here virtually them being elitist and talking themselves up as existence famous, but I recall those people miss that this is function of the joke. They actually jab at one another actually well, each letting themselves be a target for the other. The chemistry is good throughout, and the two men are good individually and together, with timing and commitment from decades in the business organization. Information technology feels a bit quondam fashioned compared to the more edgy (but less funny) Netflix comedy specials, but this is role of its charm and a bit part of it working.

Very polished, natural, charming, and funny throughout - well worth a look.

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3 /10

So hopeful... so disappointed.

I take tremendous respect for the talents of Steve Martin. All the same, this bear witness demonstrated why Martin Brusque is no longer relevant - if he ever was. Much of the material had promise. The problem was that Short appears to only find humor in insults, fowl language, and politial jabs. He intentionally parked himself at the line and danced beyond information technology several times. It seemed like a five-twelvemonth old in a raisin's body. Man, Martin is 1 talented banjo player. I would have been upset if I had paid for that feel. As a Netflix subscriber, I only feel robbed of a couple of hours.

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7 /ten

As someone who'south never seen either of these people, I had fun

I'one thousand a comedy fan only somehow both Steve Martin and Martin Short have escaped me. Equally someone who's never experienced their comedy, I had a truly pleasant experience. They have a great comradery and bounce off each other well. A little over rehearsed at times, simply it made me smile and experience a little warm inside. Martin Brusque'due south impressions were excellent, and whilst his physical comedy doesn't always sit down well with me, his 70s fashion comedy transcends the ages. Steve Martin virtually seems a bystander to Short's comedy at times, but his stories make upward for it (as the far ameliorate storyteller). Overall, it's a pleasant watch that is nothing like today'south comedy. Apparently these two comedians have influenced today'south prominent comics, and you tin tell. Louis CK gets his story style from Short, Gervais pulls from Martin's intelligent wit and self deprecation. Equally long every bit you expect an understated feel to relish two people working well together, you will accept an entirely pleasant experience. seven/ten

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x /10

An Evening You Volition Remember!!

Warning: Spoilers

This was the funniest one-act special I've seen in the final 10 years. It had old school comedy, mixed with modern comedy, mixed with the best of Steve Martin and Martin Short. Their stories were hilarious. Everything was hilarious! Other comedy specials have zero on this 1.

Also, a nice five minute segment of great banjo playing past Steve Martin bringing some calmness and tranquillity in between the laughter. A must see!!

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2 /x

Totally unfunny!

Very unfunny and a waste of 70 mins. At that place maybe about v mins of material that'southward marginally entertaining at best. But and so, it'southward my ain mistake for not taking the championship seriously!

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